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Buy Or Rent Real Palm Trees in CT

Palm Trees For Sale/Lease In CT and Beyond!

Believe it or not, you can actually rent or lease REAL palm trees in Connecticut! CT Palm Trees and Tropicals is a company out of East Haven, CT ( moved in 2022 ) that gets palm trees from Miami every spring, and then rents them out for the summer season across CT and the Northeast. Palm trees for sale in CT, can you believe it?

CT Palm Trees has over 15 varieties of palms and other tropicals that they stock and rent in CT to restaurants, homes, businesses, and even events. The palm trees for sale and rent are ranging from 5 feet all the way up to 16 feet tall! Imagine that in your backyard in CT? How awesome?!

Visit here if you are interested in renting your own palm trees in CT or elsewhere!

Rent palm trees in CT, CT Palm Trees, palm trees for sale in CT

Best Quality Palm Trees For  Sale or Rent In CT

CT Palm Trees has been renting and selling palm trees in Connecticut and beyond for 6 years now. They only source the highest quality palm trees from South Florida and handpick them to ensure their clients are always overwhelmed with joy. They deliver the tropics to you as far north as Maine and as far south as Delaware! 

CT Palm Trees started renting and selling palms in CT based on the owners' own passion for palm trees, which he sourced for his own backyard for years before renting them out in CT. Here is a cool link showcasing CT Palm Trees on Local TV in CT. View CT Palm Trees Video Here.

CT Palm Trees is very highly recommended and rated highly on Google, so we think you should contact them to rent your own palm trees for the summer and let them bring the tropics to you! Palm trees for sale in CT

Enjoy another video below on how CT Palm Trees began!

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