In the wake of getting transplanted, palm trees for the most part experience what is commonly known as "transplant stun or shock". This shock is caused because of roots being aggravated and presented to air and daylight. This happens due to the fact that palm trees, and most trees, were not intended to be moved once originally planted. When you move a palm tree, it can lose some of its roots, which are vital for taking in water and nutrients. Remaining roots can experience considerable difficulties giving the palm enough water which then prompts the tree to panic due to lack of water and causes stress. That is why it is important to keep the root-ball of the palm damp during this process. Any aggravation of the roots will create a stressful situation for the tree. While there is no specific method to avoid transplant shock, there are approaches to limit it. Good luck and take notes!
Tip 1: Acclimatize the palm before transplanting
Palm trees don't care for sudden changes in temperature or amount of sun/light. When transplanting a palm from the pot into the ground, you can help the palm adapt by placing it near the area where you will be planting it seven days ahead of time. That will give your palm enough time to adapt to the temperatures and the light dimensions of that area.
Tip 2: Try as hard as possible to not injure your palm trees roots
Varying by the species, palm trees typically lose at least some of the roots when transplanted to the new spot. Palms developed in a pot generally have roots that fold over within the container. Never trim these roots even though they are folded over. The Palm will depend on the old roots for getting water, while the new roots are being created.
Tip 3: Keep as much soil in the rootball as possible
Since the palm is as of now used to the dirt, it will limit the trauma. Except if you are anticipating supplanting the dirt with a superior one, I would suggest leaving however much old soil mixed in as possible.
Tip 4: Transport your precious palm the right way, with love
In the event that you have a massive palm that is being transported by its trunk, make a point to secure it by wrapping it with wet burlap, cloth, or tarp. This will help to prevent scars on the trunk which could invite diseases. Another good idea would be to tie up the fronds to make transport safer, and easier.
Tip 5: Do not fertilize right away
Treating the palm directly with fertz and nutrients right after planting will just cause trauma for the tree. You must be patient and give the palm a chance to mature and develop new roots before adding any supplements. Some places will tell you to fertilize right away, while other, more knowledgeable garden centers, will tell you to resist the urge.
Tip 6: Water is your friend
Maintain the soil as wet as possible. Giving enough water will significantly decrease the shock of transplanting. Palms ought to be watered each day for the first 10 days in the wake of transplanting, and each other day the week after. Even just 24 hours of completely dry roots can kill the tree during this adapting period.
Tip 7: Do not transplant in the middle of the day
Early evening is the best time for transplanting since the sun isn't as bold and temperatures are generally cooler. This will give your palm tree all evening and the entire night to change to adapt to its new home before getting presented to daylight.
