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Triangle  Palm Tree

Triange Palm tree just planted in th landscape

Triangle Palm Tree, scientific name Dypsis decaryi, is a very striking palm known for its tristichously arranged leaves that form a triangle. The palm is a great ornamental plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors in the open to show its unique shape.

Triangle Palm Tree Info


Scientific name: Dypsis decaryi

Common names: The Triangle Palm is also known as Three Sided Palm and Neodypsis decaryiraveler’s Tree.

Family: Arecaceae

Origin: It is native to Madagascar Island.

Appearance: It has a single smooth, upright, trunk, 9-13 inches in diameter, brownish-gray, ringed by the scars from the fallen fronds. Overlapping leaf-bases grow from three distinct points of the trunk, forming a triangle, hence the name Triangle Palm. Leaves are pinnate, or feather-like, arching almost upright, about 10ft long and 3ft wide, segmented, bluish-green above and beneath, supported by brown petiole covered in a whitish bloom.

Flowers/Fruits: The Triangle Palm produces yellowish-green flowers that are held by 4 ft long branched petioles emerging from the lower leaves. The Triangle Palm is monoecious, male and female flowers are born on the same plant. Flowers are followed by round black inedible fruit about 1 inch in diameter. This beautiful palm blooms all year long, thus making it especially colorful.

Growth Rate: Moderate to Fast. Dypsis decaryi can grow up to 10 – 20 ft tall and 10-15 ft wide.


Outdoor/Indoor Use: Both. Triangle Palm Tree can also grow indoors.

Cold Tolerance: It can tolerate temperatures down to 30F for a short period of time when mature enough. During cold temperatures, it should be kept as dry as possible. Great for growing in the USDA Zones 10a (30 to 35 F) to 11 (above 40 F).

Light Req: It likes full sun but can also grow in light shade.

Water Req: Moderate to Low. It does not require a lot of water so make sure you let the soil dry between watering and provide good drainage. You can use general-purpose potting soil with some added sand.

Maintenance: Easy. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during the growing season.

Propagation: Propagated by seeds and division. Seeds take only about 1-2 months to germinate.

Top 10 Benefits Of The Triangle Palm Tree

The Triangle Palm tree (Dypsis decaryi) is a unique palm species known for its distinctive leaf arrangement and aesthetic appeal. Here are ten benefits of this remarkable tree:

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: The Triangle Palm enhances landscaping with its unique, triangular frond arrangement and blue-green leaves.

  2. Air Purification: Like many plants, it improves air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

  3. Low Maintenance: It requires minimal care, making it a favorable choice for busy gardeners.

  4. Drought Tolerance: This palm tree is highly drought-resistant, thriving even in arid conditions.

  5. Soil Stabilizer: The robust root system helps to prevent soil erosion.

  6. Wildlife Attraction: It provides food and shelter for a variety of wildlife species.

  7. Fast Growing: The Triangle Palm grows relatively quickly, adding to its appeal in landscaping projects.

  8. Sun Tolerance: It is remarkably sun-tolerant, thriving under full exposure.

  9. Adaptive: It adapts to a range of soil conditions, from sandy to clay soils.

  10. Non-Invasive Roots: Its roots are non-invasive, making it safe to plant near buildings or walkways.

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